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Texas Watch | Texas WatchExecutive Director Ware Wendell updates the public on what insurance companies and big corporate lobbyists are up to at the Texas Capitol.
National Public Works Week (NPWW) - American Public Works AssociationHeld annually in May, National Public Works Week is a great way to energize and educate the public on the importance of public works in their daily lives.
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About Arthritis FoundationThe Arthritis Foundation is a patient-oriented, non-profit organisation dedicated to educating, assisting, and informing the public on the impact and consequences of arthritis.
#SafeRoads | Texas WatchThis legislative session, Texas Watch will be working to ensure safety on our roads and justice in our courts. Through this site, we ll be updating the public on the campaign to protect your rights. Please check back oft
Disaster Emergency History CDARTOur mission is to provide disaster response services for domesticated animals, as well as to train volunteers and to educate the public on disaster preparedness for their animals.
OUR HISTORY | The SSD ReviewThe SSD Review was officially launched and available to the public on March 28, 2010. The roots of the site can be traced back to August 29, 2007
Contributing Writers : Feng Shui for Modern LivingAt FSML, our charter is to both educate the public on the benefits of Classical Feng Shui
HOME | Swift Heath GardensSwift Heath is a 3 acre private garden in Jumbunna, South Gippsland, Victoria, that is occasionally open to the public on special occasions. One of the many garden features is the large finch aviary that is known online
FTCCI -The Managing Committee and Past-Presidents give over-all direction in the activities of the Federation. Their opinions are put forward before the Government and the public on matters affecting trade and industry through
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